Seattle USA | Independent Music For Independent Minds
Dave Flowers
Music & Discography
28 Albums

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Organically Grown (second edition)
Dave Flowers
After listening to the mix of Organically Grown for a couple of months, I decided to go back to the master tapes, re-edit the tracks, and mix each from scratch with the goal of a more polished, commercial sound...
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Genre: Vocal Pop, Funk and Rock
Catalog Number: Phase 029

Dave Flowers
This album began as a personal recording challenge. Up until around this time, I had mainly used synthesizers, drum machines and samplers to create music - acoustic instruments were used like spices - sparingly...
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Genre: Vocal Pop, Folk and Rock
Catalog Number: Phase 020

 Current Singles

from the release: Entropy
A sort of gospel-like track written when I was younger.
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from the release: Organically Grown
About the lead singer of a band I really loved when I was growing up...
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 Full Discography    28 Albums

Organically Grown (second edition)
Dave Flowers
After listening to the mix of Organically Grown for a couple of months, I decided to go back to the master tapes, re-edit the tracks, and mix each from scratch with the goal of a more polished, commercial sound...
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Genre: Vocal Pop, Funk and Rock
Catalog Number: Phase 029

Organic Instrumental Mixes - Bootleg
Dave Flowers
Instrumental versions of previously released tracks - the majority of them from the Organically Grown sessions.
Genre: Folk Rock and Pop Instrumental Versions
Catalog Number: Phase 028

    Limited Edition Release      This release is limited edition and not currently available to listen to. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Almost Acoustic Mixes - Bootleg
Dave Flowers
Almost acoustic mixes are a collection of mostly previously released tracks in an acoustic form, or minimal mix. Some of the tracks feature electric instruments, but have been minimalized for this release by removing drums, etc.
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Genre: Unplugged, acoustic mixes
Catalog Number: Phase 027

    Limited Edition Release      This release is limited edition and not currently available to listen to. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Organically Grown
Dave Flowers
Returning to the roots of classic rock, I recorded this entirely live in the studio on my trusty old reel to reel tape recorder, layering each instrument on top of each other. The album was created on the fly, meaning that it is mostly improvisational, from a musical standpoint, and very little modern technology was used in it's creation (no metronome, etc)...
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Genre: Vocal Pop, Funk and Rock
Catalog Number: Phase 026

Sugarcube Remix
Dave Flowers
Just for fun, I went back to the source material for a few previously recorded tracks and did some spontaneous remixes, many years later. It made sense to compile these together and reuse the cover theme from the original Sugarcube album in a new perspective.
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Genre: Electronic Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 025

    Limited Edition Release      This release is limited edition and not currently available to listen to. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Dave Flowers
A collection of somewhat philosophical pop rock tracks. Includes one of my spontaneous late night guitar solos - late night epiphany. Also includes the huge agnostic gospel hit, 'Not Afraid Of Dying'.
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Genre: Pop Rock Vocals
Catalog Number: Phase 024

Dave Flowers
When I first picked up the Access Virus C analogue modeling synthesizer, I was instantly in love with the warm and diverse tone possibilities it offered. I wanted to make an entire track using nothing but the sounds from it as the sole canvas...
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Genre: Electronic Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 023

Dave Flowers
This is a compilation of some alternate versions and unused tracks from the Deflowered sessions. The first 3 tracks are the original long versions of these tracks I created for Deflowered, of which I later edited shorter...
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Genre: Vocal Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 022

    Limited Edition Release      This release is limited edition and not currently available to listen to. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Reflowered Remix
Dave Flowers
This is a compilation of the best remixes of the Deflowered sessions tracks. I went back to the master tapes following mixdown, and recreated each song using samples, drum loops and leaving the vocal parts pretty much the way they originally were...
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Genre: Vocal Pop Electronic Remix
Catalog Number: Phase 021

Dave Flowers
This album began as a personal recording challenge. Up until around this time, I had mainly used synthesizers, drum machines and samplers to create music - acoustic instruments were used like spices - sparingly...
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Genre: Vocal Pop, Folk and Rock
Catalog Number: Phase 020

Campfire Bongs
Dave Flowers
For Christmas one year, I wanted to make a special CD for people on my list. I decided to put together a quick and short EP (4 or 5 songs) played and recorded very simply - on an acoustic guitar. Once I started playing, it quickly turned into a full album's worth of material...
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Genre: Acoustic Guitar Vocal Songs
Catalog Number: Phase 019

Spectrum Analysis
Dave Flowers
This is a contemplative album with a loose central theme. Maybe one could even call it a rock opera... The music on most of the tracks was inspired by my love of classical music. I wove classical themes in and out of the tracks, hiding the melodies inside and around my own ideas...
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Genre: Electronic Pop Vocal
Catalog Number: Phase 018

Cosmik Twinn
Dave Flowers
A collection of funky and upbeat instant pop classics! Starting with the dark dance number 'Kaustic', an ominous ode to quitting smoking, to the bubble-gum pop candy of 'Frank Sinatra', a love-song from someone who isn't the greatest singer of all-time...
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Genre: Electronic Pop Vocal
Catalog Number: Phase 017

Popcorn With Friends
Dave Flowers
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to play and record music with a diverse crowd of musicians. Some of these sessions lead into long-term musical relationships, such as my recordings with Patrick MacKinnon (Spiral Anne) or John Talamantes (Synthetic Summer)...
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Genre: Electronic Compilation
Catalog Number: Phase 016

Pink Sunset
Dave Flowers
This is a collection of remixes and extra tracks recorded while remixing 'And God Created Sound'. In essence, this compilation represents the odd assortment of remixes that didn't fit into the flow of 'Logic In Minutes' I had recently figured out how to sync my reel-to-reel tape machine to my midi sequencer...
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Genre: Electronic Vocal Pop Remixes
Catalog Number: Phase 015

    Limited Edition Release      This release is limited edition and not currently available to listen to. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Logic In Minutes
Dave Flowers
This is the 'electronic' version of my jazz-influenced album 'And God Created Sound'. For the most part, it contains alternate pop and dance remixes of the original songs.
Genre: Electronic Vocal Remixes
Catalog Number: Phase 014

    Limited Edition Release      This release is limited edition and not currently available to listen to. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

And God Created Sound
Dave Flowers
I had been playing in a Jazz Ensemble and was really inspired to try and make something a bit jazzier than my previous efforts. I was listenening to a lot of Tears For Fears at the time and was influenced by the brilliant sound production they were getting...
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Genre: Vocal Pop (kind of jazzy)
Catalog Number: Phase 013

California Chronology (compilation)
Dave Flowers
This is a compilation of my favorite tracks from my time spent in California around High School and College. I included tracks from different time periods, so the recording quality varies (I got better as time went on - plus, I began purchasing better equipment)...
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Genre: Electronic Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 012

Dave Flowers
This is a companion album to 'Slowly Melting', containing the single edits along with a few alternate versions of tracks found on that record. One track someone might think is interesting is 'The Cancer - Diversity (long mix)'...
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Genre: Vocal Pop Single
Catalog Number: Phase 011

    Limited Edition Release      This release is limited edition and not currently available to listen to. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Dave Flowers
This is a companion album to 'Slowly Melting', containing remixes and alternate versions of tracks found on that record. Highlights include an interesting remix of 'Market St', which contains an amazing recording of my friend JT after he just smoked mary jane for the first time...
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Genre: Vocal Pop Remixes
Catalog Number: Phase 010

Slowly Melting
Dave Flowers
One afternoon, I was in the mood to play something new but didn't want to get too involved with a complex recording. So I created a short chord sequence and drum line, wrote some quick lyrics based on how I was feeling, and tracked it beginning to end in less that half and hour...
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Genre: Vocal Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 009

The Present Mix
Dave Flowers
This is a compilation of alternate versions of tracks found on 'The Past'. It includes the original 9-minute recording of 'It's Only Money', which I later re-recorded for 'The Past' and the compilation CD 'Cultivation: A Kick Produkt' (the first kick release - no longer in print)...
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Genre: Electronic Vocal Pop Remixes
Catalog Number: Phase 008

    Early Years Collection      This is an early recording and not currently available to listen to. It is presented here for historical purposes. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

The Past
Dave Flowers
I had just moved north to a small town near San Francisco called Modesto. Being new in town, I didn't really know anybody and felt the same as anyone who moves to a new area - alone and nostalgic. This album was created to be a concept record revolving around my real-life feelings; I had an exciting new life but was having trouble because I was deeply missing my past...
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Genre: Electronic Vocal Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 007

    Early Years Collection      This is an early recording and not currently available to listen to. It is presented here for historical purposes. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Peanut Butter N Jelly Jams
Dave Flowers
This is a compilation of alternate versions and outtakes from 'Kandied Apples N Lemonade.' Being a record collector and a big fan of dance remixes, I started recording multiple versions of each song I was working on...
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Genre: Electronic Vocal Pop Remixes
Catalog Number: Phase 005

    Early Years Collection      This is an early recording and not currently available to listen to. It is presented here for historical purposes. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Kandied Apples N Lemonade
Dave Flowers
This is my second full-length vocal record. I was feeling like I'd made a significant jump in my ability to make quality recordings, although I was still using cassettes to record. This album has a good variety of songs with audible influences from Depeche Mode, Prince, and the electro-pop scene from the late 1980's...
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Genre: Electronic Vocal Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 004

    Early Years Collection      This is an early recording and not currently available to listen to. It is presented here for historical purposes. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Old Piano Jams
Dave Flowers
This was an experiment, more than anything, with recording my real acoustic piano using a cheap radio shack mic and a cheap cassette recorder. All of it was recorded live so be aware that the equalization and effects were printed to tape and could not be changed, unfortunately...
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Genre: Rough Demo Cassette - Acoustic Piano
Catalog Number: Phase 003

    Low Fidelity Recording      Not currently available to listen to. This is a low fidelity recording (cassette and/or low quality recording equipment and environment) and is presented here for historical purposes. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Dave Flowers
This is basically a companion to 'Homesick Heart'. It is a compilation of alternate versions and remixes of the album tracks and includes a mock interview done by my sister when we were young, after I completed the album...
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Genre: Electronic Vocal Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 002

    Early Years Collection      This is an early recording and not currently available to listen to. It is presented here for historical purposes. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.

Homesick Heart
Dave Flowers
At the end of high school, I moved from the beautiful hills of Fort Collins, Colorado to the desert of Bakersfield, California. I left behind my high school friends (including a girlfriend named Laura) and was rather meloncholic about all of it...
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Genre: Electronic Vocal Pop
Catalog Number: Phase 001

    Early Years Collection      This is an early recording and not currently available to listen to. It is presented here for historical purposes. View Release to find out how to listen to it. Hint: it might involve looking around the site for a secret password.