Seattle USA | Independent Music For Independent Minds
Top Secret Password Required
Backstage Entrance
Enter The Password To Get Backstage

What's Going On? There are releases that aren't available to listen to - limited edition releases, bootlegs, and early years recordings that aren't very high quality. All you have to do is just enter the secret password above and ALL of the music on interactive jack records will be instantly unlocked. It stays unlocked until you close the browser window - so you'll have to enter it again when you return. There are PASSWORDS hidden on this site (interactive jack records) that unlock limited edition albums, early years recordings, and low fidelity bootleg recordings..

These recording are not initially available for many reasons, one being that some may be lower quality or cassette recordings, or embarrassing early-years recordings, or sometimes just limited releases like remixes and promo-only releases.

Is this a game? It might be... kind of like looking through stacks of records in an old record store, hoping to find some rare gem that made it's way into the bins. Just like the era that a lot of us grew up in. Remember going from record store to record store looking for limited edition 12 inch singles, b-sides, and all kinds of rarities? It was a lot of fun... So we decided to build in a little game. Happy PASSWORD Hunting! And here's a big hint: it's possible to find one of the passwords on virtually any given page - and keep a notepad handy to copy it down because it might only be visible for a very short period of time...

If you need to get back to this backstage pass page once you've figured out the password, you can always click on the copyright at the bottom of the page, or click on the MARTINI glass in the navigation, or if it's not visible, view any album and the MARTINI GLASS should appear in the navigation. Good luck in your search! It's not too hard to find so don't get too discouraged! And if you really give up - email us.

Rare Music (you can unlock all of it):

  • Low Fidelity Cassette or Field Recordings: unreleased recordings
  • Bootleg Vault: unreleased recordings
  • The Early Years Collection: embarrassing stuff recorded when we were young
  • Limited Edition Recordings (Includes Out Of Print Releases): rare and promo mixes or tracks